
BioFishency ELX™

Sustainable, fully controlled electro-chemical water treatment systems

A market proven Electro-Chemical Water Treatment (ECWT) system for ammonia removal and disinfection, and the first of its kind on the market today, the state-of-the-art BioFishency ELX™ system does it all – in a fully controlled environment, while eliminating off-flavors.


See BioFishency ELXTM in action


Ideal for cold and warm water species, BioFishency ELX is a robust zero discharge water treatment system that outpowers the inefficiencies of biological RAS. A built-in disinfection, multi-stage solution in a single cycle, BioFishency ELX directly transforms ammonia to nitrogen, without the need for a denitrification reactor, and operates immediately upon electrical supply. To support sustainability and a small carbon footprint, BioFishency ELX requires considerably less space.

The BioFishency ELX system overtake the biofilters, and guarantees shorter ROI, cost-effective operation, immediate system deployment and operation, resulting in significant CAPEX and OPEX savings.


Proprietary and patented, BioFishency ELX was developed and commercialized in collaboration with the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

BioFishency ELX – Electrochemical Applications in RAS: A Review by The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

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BioFishency ELX – A Novel Approach for RAS: Comprehensive Study by Igal Magen, BioFishency Co-Founder & CTO

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EIT Food Project – BioFishency Live Seafood Transport and Storage: A Case Study

Zero-Discharge Water Treatment for Well-Boats – Arctic Char Case Study – Journal of Applied Aquaculture

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BioFishency ELX: New Approaches for RAS Farms – World Fishing & Aquaculture Magazine

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“InShare” Report & ELX Test Report (White Paper)

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Sustainable, Cost-Effective Processes to Produce Healthier Fish

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BioFishency ELX Brochure

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The 4-Element
FWT System

BioFishency’s Single Pass Biofilter (SPB)
Circulating pump
Operating tank
Drum filter (solids removal) and state-of-the-art mechanical filter
elx bio
BioFishency ELX Ammonia Removal and Water Disinfection Process

FWT Water Treatment System


Easy installation
Low maintenance
Can be used with existing infrastructure or new structures
Increases sustainability for a variety of aquaculture systems and methods (extensive, intensive, recirculating)
Relatively low-energy
consumption and small
Small investment; short payback
period especially compared to
other products and systems


The Trendlines Group
An innovation commercialization company that invents, discovers, invests in, and incubates innovation-based medical and agricultural technologies to fulfil its mission to enhance the human condition. Intensely hands-on investors, Trendlines is involved in all aspects of its portfolio companies, from technology development to business building. Trendlines is traded on the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX: 42T), and in the US, as an American Depositary Receipt (ADR) on OTCQX International (OTCQX: TRNLY).
Zemach Feed Mill is one of the largest animal feed producers in Israel, with an annual production of over 250 K MT. Established over 50 years ago, the company is the most diverse feed company in Israel, producing feed products for a variety of animals, including broilers, turkeys, layers, cows and sheep (dairy and meat), fish, and household pets.
ardag svg xd
As the largest mariculture company in Israel, Ardag grows fish from brood stock, through fingerlings and farming, to wholesale, at its fish farms in Ashdod and Michmoret, and its commercial hatchery in Eilat. Producing several species of marine fish, Ardag boasts a genetic program for seabream, and promotes innovation in the domestication of marine species. Ardag co-owns Israel’s Caviar Galilee farm that exports the globally-acclaimed Karat Caviar brand.
Technion logo
Founded in Haifa, Israel, in 1901, The Technion is a science and technology research university, among the world’s top ten, dedicated to the creation of knowledge and the development of human capital and leadership. Technion graduates, researchers, professors, and students have played pivotal roles in the enrichment of knowledge and the human condition on both local and global scales, accounting for more than 50% of the startup founders in Israel’s wildly successful high-tech sector, and at least 50% of the nation’s engineers.

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